9 shin splint treatment and prevention tips

The term shin splints sparks fear into the hearts of any runner who hears it. A painful condition…

New IMF reserves could fund vaccines in poor nations: Rockefeller

Moves to bolster the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF’s) emergency reserves could provide the $44bn needed to…

WHO calls for further studies, data on origin of SARS-CoV-2 virus, reiterates that all hypotheses remain open

The report of the international team on their Wuhan field visit, from 14 January -10 February…

Qalabka Caafimaadka Ee Covid Looga Baahan Yahay Guriga

1. Paracetamol 2. Betadine oo loogu talagalay dawo luqluqashada iyo luqluqasho 3. Vitamin C iyo D35.…

Faa’iidooyinka Caafimaad Ee Ku Duugan Basasha

Cilmi-baadhisyo badan ayaa banaanka soo dhigay in cunista basasha faa’iido badan oo caafimaad ku lammaan yihiin,…

Xanuun halis ah oo ka dillaacay Dowlad degaanka Soomaalida Itoobiya

Jigjiga – (WARSOOR) – Hay’adda Caafimaadka Adduunka ee WHO ayaa sheegtay in xannuun looga shakisan yahay…

One Surprising Side Effect of Eating Avocado, According to Science

Avocados are referred to as a superfood for a reason—these powerhouses contain so many of the vitamins and nutrients…

Faa’iidada Midhaha Romanka, Liinta Iyo Tufaaxa!

Geedka Rumaanka ayaa dawo ka noqday bararka ku yimaadda unugyada maskaxda sida ay  cadeeyeen koox ka…

Don’t squander sacrifices of 2020: WHO chief

The sacrifices made to protect people during the coronavirus pandemic must not be squandered over the…

Crime gangs threaten Covid-19 vaccine campaigns

Interpol on Wednesday warned authorities worldwide of the threat from organised crime groups during upcoming Covid-19…