Danish patrol kills four pirates in Gulf of Guinea: Navy

GUINEA – (WARSOOR) – A Danish naval patrol killed four pirates in an exchange of fire in the Gulf of Guinea off the coast of Nigeria, Denmark’s armed forces say.

“No Danish soldiers were injured, but five pirates were shot,” the military said on Thursday.

“Four of the pirates died. One was injured,” it added.

The incident happened outside Nigeria’s territorial waters, a spokesman said.

The incident occurred on Wednesday when the frigate Esbern Snare, which has been patrolling the area since early November, attempted to board the pirate boat.

The Danish forces fired warning shots, and the pirates immediately fired back.

“The Danish soldiers acted in self-defence and returned fire,” the statement said.

It was the first time the frigate opened fire during the current mission to the Gulf of Guinea, the spokesman said.

“Four of the pirates died. One was injured,” it added.

The incident happened outside Nigeria’s territorial waters, a spokesman said.

The incident occurred on Wednesday when the frigate Esbern Snare, which has been patrolling the area since early November, attempted to board the pirate boat.

The Danish forces fired warning shots, and the pirates immediately fired back.

“The Danish soldiers acted in self-defence and returned fire,” the statement said.

It was the first time the frigate opened fire during the current mission to the Gulf of Guinea, the spokesman said.